The differences between rotary drilling and DTH drilling.

The differences between rotary drilling and DTH drilling.

There are a lot of water well drilling rigs that are being made by a manufacturer in China, and they differ from model to model. When it comes to buying a water well drilling rig, a buyer may be confused about what types of water well drilling rigs should I buy, shall I buy a rotary drilling water rig machine or a DTH drilling water rig machine? There is something that you need to find out, such as geological conditions, depth, and your budget for that. Here are some suggestions from a sales engineer.

Why geological conditions are important in choosing a water well drilling rig? it is because the geological conditions decide water types of water well drilling rig is better for the project. If there are a lot of rocks beneath the soil, then the DTH drilling water well will be better. If the geological condition is soft soil, then the rotary water well drilling rig is better. Another thing is that if your budget is low, then the rotary drilling water well drilling rig is the best because it is cheaper than the DTH drilling water well rig machine.

The rotary drilling water well rig machine uses a mud pump to drill into the ground, and the best thing is that this type of drilling can perfectly protect the water well wall in a soft ground area, it drills slowly but is very economical. DTH drilling water well rig machine is a type of drilling rig that can drill fast into the ground, it can drill through rocks easily. The powerful diesel engine screw air compressor powers the DTH hammer and hits the stone into pieces. DTH drilling is especially for drilling through rocks, but not for drilling soft earth formation.

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