Percussion DTH Drilling Bit
Percussion DTH Drilling Bit

A short description of the percussion DTH drilling bit.

A percussion DTH drilling bit is a kind of pneumatic drilling bit and it is used for drilling a water well borehole or drilling a stone blasting borehole. A percussion DTH drilling bit needs compressed air to power it up and the main function of this percussion DTH drilling bit is to hit the rock into pieces while drilling a water well borehole. The cutting head of the percussion DTH drilling bit is different according to the usage, there are flat face DTH drilling bit and convex face DTH drilling bit.

The features of the percussion DTH drilling bit.

Percussion DTH Drilling Bit is a kind of air drilling tool cutting rocks into small pieces while drilling a borehole. DTH drilling bit is made of superior quality alloy steel. It is widely used for drilling a rock layer and it’s very efficient.

The specifications of the percussion DTH drilling bit.

DiameterNo. Air HolesGauge ButtonsFront ButtonsWeight
152mm  (5 inches)28*Φ187*Φ1622kg
203mm  (8 inches)210*Φ1813*Φ1640kg
254mm  (10 inches)212*Φ1821*Φ16108kg
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