DTH Drilling Bit
DTH Drilling Bit

A brief description of the DTH drilling bit.

A DTH drilling bit is, a hammer drilling bit, an air pneumatic drilling bit for drilling a water well borehole, and A DTH drilling bit is also used for drilling a stone blasting borehole on the stone. The DTH drilling is attached to a DTH hammer and it is performed as a hammerhead that percussion the rocks into small pieces. DTH drilling bit is divided into high pressure DTH drilling bit and low pressure DTH drilling bit, a buyer can choose according to their needs.

The features of the DTH drilling bit.

DTH Drilling bit is the tool cutting rocks into small pieces while drilling a water well borehole. DTH drilling bit is made of superior quality alloy steel. It is widely used for drilling a rock layer and it’s very efficient.

The specifications of the DTH drilling bit.

Drilling bit sizeDiameter(mm)No. Air Holes
6“152~203∅152~175:2 ∅190~203:3
8″195~305∅195~203:3; ∅216:2; ∅254:3; ∅305:4
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