Carbide Insert DTH Hammer Drilling Bits
Carbide Insert DTH Hammer Drilling Bits

A short description of carbide insert DTH hammer Drilling bits.

Carbide insert DTH hammer drilling bits are a kind of drilling bit for pneumatic drilling equipment to drill deep through the rock, and carbide insert DTH hammer drilling bits are very popular for borehole drilling equipment. Carbide insert DTH hammer drilling bits are divided into high pressure DTH hammer drilling bit and low pressure DTH hammer drilling bit, they serve different purposes. DTH hammer drilling bit is attached to the DTH hammer and the DTH hammer is powered by compressed air, then the DTH hammer drilling bit will hit the rocks into pieces.

The features of carbide insert DTH hammer drilling bits.

Carbide Insert DTH Hammer Drilling Bits is a kind of drilling bit that cuts the rock layer into pieces while drilling a water well into the ground or drilling a borehole for blast stone into pieces. DTH bits are made of superior quality alloy steel and it is more powerful and efficient than rotary tricone drilling bits.

The specifications of carbide insert DTH hammer drilling bits.

   Carbide Insert DTH Hammer Drilling bits size          Recommended DTH bits diameter
 3.5”/3” DTH hammer bits 90mm~ 105mm
 4” DTH hammer bits 110mm~ 130mm
 5” DTH hammer bits 134mm~ 152mm
 6” DTH hammer bits 152mm~ 203mm
 8” DTH hammer bits 203mm~ 305mm
 12” DTH hammer bits Available upon to customers’ request
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